At Galgorm Collection we recognise that we have environmental responsibility and are committed to working towards a sustainable future, aiming to become one of the environmentally friendly hotels in Northern Ireland.
Here are some ways in which you can help us to help the environment:-
Reduce energy by switching off the lights in your room when you leave it and closing windows if heating is on. Charge your phone in the car when you are driving, its free energy.
This also reduces the impact of transport on the environment. Further information, including local interests, available from our Guest Relations. Our menus contain local, sustainable and organic produce; why not eat from one of our tempting menus.
A substantial effort is being made throughout the hotel to reduce, reuse and recycle. Please assist us by avoiding over-packaged goods and saying “no thanks!” to that extra carrier bag. Try and recycle any waste you have.
Leave the car behind, if only for a day, walk, cycle or use public transport.
Please use water wisely. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or use water conservatively when having a shave or taking a shower.
Help us to look after the landscape and wildlife by not littering, guarding against fire and using footpaths responsibly.
There are hundreds of businesses trying to reduce their environmental impacts through the Green Tourism Business Scheme.
See for more information.